PromPDD |HLA peptide-binding fingerprints | HLAsupE | Publication | Download | tutorial

Usage of PromPDD

A series of screenshots illustrating the usage of PromPDD are given in this Figure. For a given protein (e.g., HBcAg, UniProt entry: P03148), HLA supertype-specific peptides with length 9 or 10 can be predicted by the supertype-specific prediction tool (Figure (a)) or by selecting the corresponding alleles in the promiscuous prediction tool (Figure (b)). The predicted results are sorted by the cross-binding abilities of the peptides, as shown in Figure (c). The binding scores predicted by PromPDD are the relative binding abilities of the peptides to the selected HLA molecules, and a higher predicted score indicates high binding affinity to the given HLA molecule. The threshold used to distinguish binding peptides from non-binding peptides is 1 for all alleles available in PromPDD. The contribution of the residue at each peptide positions to both allele-specific and promiscuous binding can be obtained by clicking ¡°Detail¡± and the deciphering results are shown as in Figure (d). A Residue with values greater than 1 for all selected alleles at a given position is implied to be preferred for promiscuous binding, and vice versa. A modification tool for the design of promiscuous peptides is provided in the deciphering result page, and can be used to analyze the cross-binding ability when one or more residues are mutated. For a given HLA supertype-specific binding peptide, the user can analyze the residue contributions using the deciphering and design tool (Figure (e)), and the result page is the same shown in Figure (d).
Usage of database of HLA peptide-binding fingerprints

When a allele name input, all of the alleles sharing identical peptide-binding fingerprint with the input allele will be shown in the result page and alleles with available prediction matrices are annotated in the result page (as shown in the following figure). The residues marked red are the peptide-binding environment.

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